Saturday, January 21, 2006

beautiful sunset despite the falling rain... it's been engraved deep inside Posted by Picasa
here are some pictures for you blair...hee!mini food fest 2006 lol...are you ready?

my super dupe nice charming brother who dotes on me alot hee! Posted by Picasa
asthee and me Posted by Picasa
food at newton circus...fried noodles, bbq wings, carrot cake, bbq stingray yummy! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 15, 2006

ain't too sure of what to feel...

living in delusion? maybe...

will you ever realise?

just how long can one run?

... i wonder

Monday, January 09, 2006

shear maine's encouragement to me...thanks dear!

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life." -Unknown

"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. " -Winston Churchill

Thursday, January 05, 2006

been bumming around for the past few days...everyone around me is busy. school reopened...the beginning of endless tutorials, boring lectures and troublesome meetings. well everyone is busy. however i'm the exceptional. well let's put it in a nicer terms... i'm busy seeking another path and hopefully i can find what i need to soon.

feeling rather lost. seriously after 20 yrs, achievements, zero. was filling in some forms just now for application to some instituitions. they had smth like this... list down 3 of ur greatest achievements and they were nice... they gave us examples to refer to. first, national sportsman. Strike one. 2nd, successful business achievements. Strike two. 3rd, arts & drama. Strike three. there was a fourth... humanitarian endeavours. STRIKE FOUR! i'm completely out of the game.

well it did do me something good i think. it made me dwell deep into the past years and ponder about everything that i have done in search for something i can be extremely proud of. but sad to say, i found none. okie maybe not tt bad...just one thing that i can be proud of ie to represent the school back in college days for dance and we managed to clinch a silver on a national scale. well that's all to it. i'm impressed how some people or in fact many people have the capabilities and also the qualities which allow them to promote themselves to others out there. hence making themselves stand out from the crowd and be somehow different. i have not master that or i have nothing to speak of, that sounds more appropriate.

if you were to say, just be yourself. then let me ask you, how many of us are proud of the person you are? many times, we failed to be responsible children to our parents, never a good enough friend to our friends, the unreasonable lover to our other half, the inefficient worker to our boss, the student dozing off in class to our mentors and the list goes on. i believe you can find many other examples. most often than not, we neglect our roles and feel that we have throw in our best effort in making everything work. how true is that?

optimism doesn't come with age. so does wisdom do? as we grow older, what comes along? it's puzzling. i'm baffled. i think as we grow, we see more, hear more and experience even more. cynicism of the entire globe grows. less adventurous one will become. desperadoes are everywhere in order to obtain what they want be it love,lust, fame or prosperity... these are some things constantly fought for.

my eleven year old cousin was telling me she can't wait to grow up. she wants to be a teen soon. i was telling her no hurry, take your time. be a child as much and as long as you can. growing up is a long process. don't you agree?