Monday, December 31, 2007

last day of 2007

Here is a summary of my year...
How's yours like?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

festive mood in toil

poke poke poke!! hello everyone! (though not sure who actually reads my hardly-ever-updated blog)

it's been a month. so many happenings and i'm so lazy to note everything down. so it shall just be a few significant and more worth mentioning events k?

yes, i've been a workaholic for the past few months! point taken. however, i am giving myself a break after this week. 2 weeks of break for the festive period weee!!!
then it's back to work, hopefully if there still is any employment for me.

exams came and go. my grades are out. not fantastic but not that bad either. obtained my first D ever! *beams* but my econs modules are pathetic!! i think i'm not an econs person booo.. should i continue doing econs major? bleahh. anyway clearing everything this semester has a significant meaning. it means i can whisk myself away from this tiny island for a long while as a reward. hoooray! time is ticking away so quickly. i only have say 1.5 months before school begins next year. did i mention it will be my final year too? the thought of entering the working society gives me the creeps 'shudders' but i am looking forward to it!! challenges come my way.. 'hoooi yahhh'

talking about challenges.. i finally overcome the much-dreaded marathon last Sun. It was my goal for the year and yes, i did it!!! it was completed in a donkey-tonkey-wonkey-longkey 8 hours.. i never knew walking could be that tough. seriously. it was painful and with the sun burning down your back, it made it even more unbearable.

as we slowly walk/crawl/limp/roll the last few kilometres, our mouths were uttering curses which should never be heard. now i know why ppl always say don't go for marathons without training, it is no playing matter. nods fervently! but we did it. yeah! we rock, LZ! =)

it may sound crazy but during that last 100 metres, a thought that came across my mind is 'hmm i should really train before i do anothter marathon ever' we'll see about that though in time to come hahah.

the healing process was really painful. after the run, i could hardly walk, not to mention my sunburnt shoulders. my knees were non-existent & i was walking like an old granny. so ugly!! but recovery came fast though the knee still hurts a little. i amazed myself by clubbing on wed night with a little difficulty, fri with not much pain and finally sat zoukout - fully recovered. SPEEDY! lol

oh yes, ZOUKOUT!!! my first ever zoukout! it was fantabulous =) what's more.. being paid to party? 'evil laughters' i was doing registration for an events till like 3am then i started partying. it was really good know coz the good vibes were only played during this time.. i really enjoy myself! haha! hopefully next year, it will be held in sentosa again. it was spacious enough (and airy too when you want to). i like it!!!

the year is coming to an end again.. i would do a slow recap of how hectic this year has been & starting thinking about what i should have done right and what have i done wrong.. and how i can right my wrong and how i should live my life... sounds confusing? i think i am.. lol.

hohoho everyone.. my season is finally coming. no need to dream anymore.. weeee!