Friday, June 03, 2005


what is this thing called sadness?! it might seem like a small word but it is bugging people from young to old. sadness is the emotion experienced when not in the state of well-being. sadness is simply to describe unhappiness which ranges from a large scale. maybe, or more so when one don't get things his/her way.

take for example : -

1) a boy who is having a cough and cannot eat sweets or drink cold beverages.

He is sad.

2) a teenage girl who cannot go for the bbq gathering because the parents are over-protective.

She is sad.

3) a young adult/undergrad who cannot enjoy his holidays because he have to work to be financially dependent.

He is sad.

4) a guy in the early thirties who just broke up with his 5 year long girlfriend.

He is sad.

5) the mummy of the 2 school children who have to work all day long and get little time to spend with her kids.

She is sad.

6) the retired grandma who whipped up a feast and receive a call from the son/daughter saying there is a last minute meeting.

She is sad.

and the list goes on and on... i shall not bore you with the details though. but all the above are upset when things don't go their way. i will too! everyone does! the main point here is everyone is sad about something in life. right?! duh, that's the obvious. CORRECT!!! maybe the same logic should be apply here. change the way you look at things. that makes a lot of difference in every daily event. a glass filled to the middle... would you call that half-filled or half-emptied?!

for me, i choose half-filled... what's ur stake?! it might just be me that i am able to look at things ALWAYS from the bright side. HOW? i have absolute no idea haha! it is in my genes. just so happy-go-lucky and all. i will be kidding if i say i've never been sad before. i have been... in fact there was once i was upset for so long because of a broken relationship and it took me pretty long to get over it too. it's kinda like the stocks market though. some days i will shoot the peak, be really joyous and happy. another i will reach the bottom of the steps and be real upset & grouchy. sad i might be, i won't go to the extend of starving myself and coop myself at home all day. i still go out as usual but my poor friends will have to hear me whine from time to time. *hugs* but they were nice ppl. very crucial actually when at times you just cannot be left alone.

different people have different ways of expressing their unhappiness. crying, shouting, screaming, complaining, self-abuse, abuse others, abuse DRUGS, escape from reality, starve yada, yada, yada... so many ways to unleash that evil thing that is taking control of how life should be. dun let it affect you for too long. it's unhealthy. though you can't help it very much, do try to stay happy, be happy. life is afterall so short and why waste time being sad?! *calculates* not worth it. no, no.

when unhappy, think of this... the whole world was made of cadbury?! *awww* that will be wonderful haha!

P.S: above is just an illustration... think of things that makes you happy and then naturally things will change for the better yea?! BE OPTIMISTIC! that's the key to happiness =)