Saturday, October 06, 2007

fairy tales

i remember i used to love the disney cartoons from the past. they were all beautifully-spun love stories depicting the prince charming and the princess living a happily ever after life.

so simple. so sweet. so innocent. so surreal. so blissful.

i always believe that a daughter in the eyes of the daddy is always the little princess, the precious little girl who never grows up.

question now is.. if i'm the princess, then where is my happy ending?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

STILL dreaming of christmas

thousand of apologies for the long hiatus. i am irregular and very random. lol. anyway lately, it has been busy busy busy and more busy. finally, i am able to take a break from work however the condition that comes with it is that exams are one month away bleahh..

a typical week in september for me..

Mon: Work 0830-1800, Class 1900-2200
Tues: Work 1400-1900
Wed: Tuition 1500-1930, Work 2130-0230
Thurs: Work 1000-1900
Fri: Tuitoin 1600-1800, Work 2130-0230
Sat: Class 1330-1630, Work 2130-0230
Sun: Class 0900-1200, Tuition 1300-1800

Quite hectic rite? In the midst, there were deadlines for assignments and whatnots. Hardly had time to sleep bleahh. Did i mention, it's been a month since i step into a cinema? haha.

Sometimes, I myself, wonder.. what am I putting myself through? Workaholic-in-training? Why am i depriving myself of life when in the next 30-40 years, I have ample opportunity to slog like a cow? My friends are complaining that I am becoming very anti-social. I don't join them for parties and after classes, I rush off to work. In my friend's word, "Yvonne, you're no fun anymore" =(

It's not that I need the money. Yes, I value financial freedom but not to the extend that I in desperate need of it. Know what I mean?

Mummy has been sweet. She has been telling me, "I don't need you to work so hard and then end up neglecting your grades.. I can give you the financial support you need... yada, yada, yada" Like I told her, it's not about the money but more so for the opportunity. Think it finally got to her after a while (though she still don't like me coming back late). In addition, Daddy Koh has been really nice by allowing me to take the car out when convenient. =) (oh and when the car got into a little "dispute" with a lorry & end up with a small wound, Daddy Koh did not make a big fuss too! hooray!)

Yesterday mark the deadline of my final assignment! YEAH! no yeah though for exams are in 3 weeks' time. Yucky timetable again... 25th, 26th Oct & 2 papers on 1st Nov 'wahhhh' so it's revision time again which means Yvonne goes MIA again.

So, meanwhile, take care people! I miss you all! 'hugs'

tough people outlast tough times! hang in there okie?